Thursday 28 February 2008

Forever, watching love grow

I'm feeling musical today don't know why, maybe because I've had songs in my head all day whilst trying to focus on the delightful world of construction contracts and Collateral warranties...FUN FUN FUN I CAN ASSURE YOU.

I've been on a Joy Division/New Order bender this week, with a sloshing of Radiohead to top it off. No its not depressing, I just find people are afraid of music that actually has a little bit of meaning behind it that isnt all samey. This is possibly a reason why I don't understand the whole "emo" tag for shit. Surely most music is somewhat emotional? I can't really hack the word 'depressing' in relation to music either. I hate the word to be frank, its over-used and related to this, that, everything and something...Mostly when it does not warrant the use of it. "Oh I've had a really bad day, im so depressed"..."God there was a dress in a shop and they only have it in a size 10...oh god im so depressed"...Wankers.

However, enough that, I'm absolutely loving it. Joy Division are musically just what i'm looking for. Gritty yet theres something there thats substantial as opposed to just plain punk which after a few years of listening to, can sound a bit samey. It sounds bizarre but I sort of class Joy Division the same as The Dead Kennedys, maybe not on musical sound or content (some similarities exist in the lyrics I guess) but more on the impact it has on me and my life.

When it comes to music I must say I find myself in a strange position, not quite here, not quite there. I guess its good for keeping options open but at the same time you don't actually belong to anything imparticular...But there again, would you really want to belong to a group or style of music that only plays that style? Where is the diversity? I'll gladly go from Radiohead to T.Rex, to The Dead Kennedys and the Clash and then end up with Blur, before having a Bob Dylan encore.

Music is nostalgia, a certain band or song can suddenly whip up a shitstorm of memories and such bullshittery, I like that. I mean Muse's older stuff instantly sends me back to the college years...which for most people is pretty standard. Muse seem to be 'that band you liked in college'. A stepping stone to more niche musical markets. However I just cannot get into tht latest album, it makes me feel kind of bad. They seem to a midway house between a number of things. Ah well.

I like to try and find something good out of everything in music, I can appreciate pop and understand dance. However I can't for the life of me fathom 80's "glam" (maybe? The image represents that of glam) Rock (shitty term that covers pretty much everything). I mean pretty much everything withered in the 80's. Pop degenerated into Madonna and Culture Club etc. The sons just sound so samey and aged compared to 60's and 70's music. I really don't get it. It's as if the industry went backwards. Punk did well out of the 80's (If people actually like anything with associated with the word 'punk' (as you can tell I hate genre names) but I love the stuff when its not all sounding the same as something before it *cough* Buzzcocks *cough*) with Black Flag and the Dead Kennedys, The Clash and even the Ramones had a good bash throughout it, but other than that i'm struggling to see what went well.

Im not slurring the Buzzcocks, but for the love of god, how on earth they sold records is beyond me, they have one track called 'lipstick' which is notable in my eyes...or through my ears I should say. Other than that its more or less..."Here is the song title, lets repeat it over the same riff over a 2 minute period".

The likes of Bowie, Queen and Bob Dylan all went shite in the 80's. A decade of awkwardness. I'd say musically it was the worst decade, although im struggling to find anything decent to come out the current one, which I can't even think of the name for it...the naughties? I must say possibly on par with 80's if not a little worse.

I really should go buy more albums, but ive been abusing the full song playback feature and youtube. I would buy them this week end but its mothers day, so balls to that I guess. Balls to it all.

Anyway fuck knows why I've typed this, but Im a bit bored and a bit tired and I dont have much to do other than work and I've been doing that since half 9 this morning and I only finished at 7.30pm...ITS NOT EVEN 9 TO 5. This is shit.

Sunday 17 February 2008

What's all this then?!

It is amazing how little can happen in about a month. Late January to Mid February has possibly been the dullest time of my life since the month of August before I left to start uni. Nothing has really happened.

I can't help but notice the standards on my course again. They make me look like a bloody genious. People who can't divide numbers, cant produce simple mathematical equations and others who just can't do anything other than tell your mum jokes.

Sitting in a lecture, about the perils of horse hair plaster and other such bastardry items. Horse hair plaster contains anthrax. The lecturer then calls out "does anybody know what anthrax is"?

The reply from a student behind was a good one if he was joking "They're a band". Luckily because the room is filled with 90's dance converts who follow indiepiss (as opposed to indie) music now, they didn't understand a fecking word of what was being said. The lecturer must have wished for an early death that night, he really cannot get through to half of them, none of them can.

About most things in general, is it really hard for people to open their eyes and see what the rest of the world is doing? To know about other things other than things that affect their personal lives? I dont want to be one of those bastards who makes a big song and dance about someone not knowing something, I dont do it for laughs, I dont find it funny. I really find it incredible and somewhat demoralising when someone doesnt know if Malta is an island or a sweet product.

Mmmmm thats a tasty Malta right there.

We also had a road safety crash reconstruction outside the Hallam uni. It was a freezing day and me and Hutch were just passing through, but we stayed as I was determined to see the roof of a Vauxhall Corsa get cut off. Still it was Valentines day, the most commercial of events...An event which I swear to god most couples dont celebrate anymore. But anyway, its supposed to be a day of joy, and believe me im all for hard hitting campaigns but this reconstruction maybe was a little strong for midday on a valentines day.

The woman was strewn across the car bonnet and was then hoisted down and the paramedics worked on her. However after about 10 minutes the tannoy bloke says.

"Unfortunately the girl has died" Now this is understandable, but I still dont see the need for him having to say this after.

"The only place she will be going tonight is to the mortuary". I mean bloody hell? We got the picture from the corpse lying on the floor, with a blanket over it and he said she was dead. Is there a need for a wise crack? This is not an Arnie film.

Maybe I should make more wisecracks concerning the deaths of people. NOW WOULDNT THAT BE FUN?

I alo hope I get this job, im sort of looking forward to the spontanuity...spell check please... I could be located here, or over there. Who knows? Makes it sound exciting. In a way. Still if Rachel goes off to uni we wont see as much of each other as she will need to focus on work and I on my placement. If I want to do some travelling I may as well do it now rather than 5 years down the line when it will be too late. Hmmm oh well, too early to think about such matters I need heated bread smothered in dairy products.

Sunday 3 February 2008

God only knows

And im not even religious.

Since I last wrote I have managed to produce a Jam Roly Poly that was akin to that of a block of lard. The recipe said to use greaseproof paper, first time round I just buttered some foil and it worked brilliantly, made a really good roly poly. This time I buy some greaseproof and it turned my entire cake to grease. Bit bizarre as the majority of the paper had become grease.

In addition, when making my second Chocolate Fudge Cake, this time following the recipe despite my first make-shift effort being rather good, has somehow got a bizarre taste on the sauce/fudge. From now on I say bollocks to recipes I'll do it my own way.

Other wise this week has mainly gone by rather quickly, with me getting increasingly frustrated throughout. What with a girlfriend who lives a billion miles the other way, and everything else just getting on my tits. The people on my course just seem to be getting thicker and thicker constantly. This week they were all going mental about some fire safety calculations and having a go at the lecturer as they couldnt keep up/do rounding or percentages. Some great quotes being...

"What?! Why the fuck are we multiplying by 100? What the fucks goin' on"...."It must be something to do with the length of the wall I guess".

All I can say to the people reading this is, don't let anyone who's been to Hallam and not got over a 2:1 touch your house. For the love of god, just tell them to fuck off. They'll be the death of you.

In addition to this, and to my ever growing list of mad lecturers, the latest one looks like Mugabe. This is all I bastard need, and I can't understand a thing he says and during lecturers me sways in and out when on the microphone so all you here is...

"heLLO my name is MUGABE" Which can be very tedious as he teaches some shit about services in buildings.

Ahhh well, I can see this being a year where Bob Dylan music is going to have to pull me through it. On the plus side I got offered a job by Balfour Beatty Rail, which is a bit good but it could mean tha tnext year I could be all over the shot and travelling everywhere.

I also had a comical phone interview with Carillion, I was semi-pissed and my notes were all ready and done, I'd read them through and I was feeling confident. However when it came to it, I was infatuated by the sexy ladys voice and I couldnt string a sentence together. A massive difference to the Balfour phone interview which was really good.

In a nutshell I said I knew nothing about the company, I hated group working with other people who are crap at what they do. That when working part time in the local pub, that a majority of the staff are completely useless. I came across as a babbling nutter who hates people. Slightly accurate in hindsight but not great in an interview. However in construction nothing surprises me, and sure enough 2 hours later I get an email saying that I've passed the first stage and Im through to the face to face interviews. Such low standards. I wouldnt have hired myself on that performance, why the feck should they?

Nutters. Nutters everywhere.

Also I can't wait for someone to boycott EGG and their shitty EGG credit cards. Its an utter joke that they can cancel the credit cards with 35 days notice to customers it "no longer wishes to lend money to". Despite these people paying their credit off as soon as they can and having excellent credit ratings. Yet Egg somehow keep the cards registered to people with poor credit ratings, maxed out cards and ever increasing debts. Profit maximising bastards. Even I say it as being wrong and Im a capitalist to be frank, im not going to sit here and talk about saving the world or being a communist like most other pathetic socialist students. Who are all talk and no action.Lets face it, at the end of the day most students are money driven and have lots of lovely ipods etc, so the concept of them being all sharing, all giving whores of society makes me laugh.

But yeah, heres to EGG going bankrupt. Cheers.