Monday 23 February 2009

Ughhhh what were you thinking..?

...Is all I've been able to ask myself recently. I've shat up things on so many levels and in so many places. Grah, I don't want to dwell anymore on al this though, I've tormented myself endlessly for some time over it all now. Still I guess things are sorted for the better but definately not through the right means. Ahhh well. I still have so many things to say, but at the same time nothing I can put into words so I guess everything is better off not being said at all.

Still lots of changes are to be made in life I rate. Getting fitter and healthier is definately a start. I'm going to cut back on the obscene meat intake. Eating 500g of bacon, followed by 2 chicken breasts and a turkey steak all covered in a rich sauce is starting to be a little obscene. Lets not talk about the fried bread afterwards!

The physio did wonders on releasing my knotted back and loosening up the chest as well. Its well weird getting a massage from someone who you know the daughter of. Its scary stuff! But ace nevertheless! I never realised I could crack my back in so many ways here and there. Although the rapid neck crack scared me no end. She could have just asked me to do that one myself though. Here's me getting bollocked all throughout life for cracking my joints and then this woman goes and does the whole lot and tells me its good to do. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE THEIR MINDS UP.

I can't quite believe the effect that the physio had on me though, its completely freed me up and I feel rejuvenated, an entirely different person. I was really starting to dominate my mood and everythng. Now I'm raring to go!

But ahh well, enough of this personal gobshite. Today, after getting back to London Town (which is still looking mighty shite might I add) I decided to do a little shopping here and there, try and track down Nancy's present, which I pin pointed in River Island of all the obscenely expensive shit holes you can go to. Still ambling around the shopping market, I decide to go into GAME, see if they have anything of interest, turns out they do! Although in hindsight I bet my laptop would have hated it. What I don't get about this particular GAME is the shite service. It takes 3 people to do one transaction, no one understands alphabetical order and they constantly ask the same thing over and over as if they keep forgetting. So much so, this time round I just put the game back and left. YOU'RE LOSING CUSTOM YOU TITS, THIS IS NOT GOOD FOR BUSINESS. I was also surrounded by Millwall fans as well and this is never a good thing in my eyes. In fact its down right disturbing!

Ahk, I've lost my train of thought now...I'm sorry to all those I've shit up and shafted over the last 6 months, I was not feeling right in myself.